Announcements & Events

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Monthly Missionary Highlight

The Assembly of God World Missions theme for this year is “SENT”, and it comes from John 20:21. Every month we will be highlighting a missionary we support. We are asking everyone to keep them in your prayers all month.

Current Announcements

This Sunday, October 6th, join us for Pre-Service Prayer from 8 am -8:30 am in the Sanctuary.

Wednesday Groups happen at our Discipleship Center (6th Street Location) Please come out and join in the fun and discipleship for kids, youth and adults. Doors open at 6:30 and groups start at 7 pm and run until 8:15 pm. NO GROUPS ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30TH.

Child Dedication, Sunday, October 6th. Contact the church office if you are interested.

Hymn Sing, October 27th @ 5 pm at our Discipleship Center. (6th Street Location)

The Prayer Shawl Ministry Small Group meets on the first Tuesday every month. Meetings will be held from 5:30PM – 7:30PM at Nancy's home. New members are always welcome. If you’d like to join, but do not knit or crochet, we will help you learn! For Nancy's address or if you have any questions, please contact Nancy or the church office at 717-567-3333. Next meeting is Nov 5th.

JBQ Meet, Saturday, Oct 5th.

Community Aide Donations will be accepted the second Sunday of every month at the FLC. (Craig will have a truck available outside to accept donations.) Proceeds will benefit our Bread of Life Community Outreach. (BOLO) Next Donation Date: Oct. 13th

Walking Exercise Class is starting Tuesday Evenings on October 15th - November 12th. 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm at the Family Life Center. Walk to the beat of some great Christian music! No cost to attend and no signups are required. All are welcome!

Save the Date: Women's Ministry Crafernoon is October 26, 1-4 pm at our Discipleship Center (6th Street location) Please sign up in the church lobby or contact the church office.

Pickleball begins November 6th at the Family LIfe Center. Tuesdays 9 am-noon and Wednesdays 2 pm - 5 pm. All are welcome!

Do you want to stay up to date with service cancelations and events? Please email us your phone number to be added to our texting system.

How can we pray for you?
Please text us your request at (833) 204-1237 and let us know if you would like to keep your request confidential among our pastoral staff or if you would like us to share your request with our prayer team.

More Upcoming Events
